Le gocce orali rappresentano una forma farmaceutica versatile e altamente assorbibile, ideale per chi cerca un dosaggio personalizzabile e un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti. Questa tipologia di integratori è particolarmente adatta per chi ha difficoltà a deglutire le pillole, offrendo un'alternativa pratica e efficace. Le gocce sono prodotte in flaconi di diverse dimensioni, tra 5 e 30 ml, in materiale PET o vetro, garantendo una scelta flessibile del packaging. La produzione richiede un tempo di consegna di otto settimane, assicurando una disponibilità costante per i rivenditori.
Le materie prime utilizzate includono estratti vegetali fluidi, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, insieme a una varietà di aromi naturali e artificiali. Questo mix di ingredienti assicura che le gocce siano non solo efficaci, ma anche piacevoli da consumare. Gli integratori in forma di gocce sono ideali per chi cerca un prodotto che offra un dosaggio flessibile e un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti.
Questo vino ti porterà direttamente al cuore del sole toscano. Con il suo intenso sapore di Sangiovese e il suo bouquet di frutti rossi maturi, il Soledoro è perfetto da bere con carni rosse, formaggi stagionati e piatti di pasta. Provalo e lasciati conquistare dalle profonde radici toscane di questo vino.
Organic Maltodextrine is a versatile carbohydrate commonly used as an additive in foods and sports drinks. It is rapidly absorbed by the body, providing quick energy, making it ideal for athletes and individuals with active lifestyles. Organic Maltodextrine can also serve as a thickener and sweetener in various dishes and products. With its rapid energy release and diverse applications, Organic Maltodextrine is a must-have for anyone seeking a reliable and effective energy source.
EC number:232-940-4
Molecular Formula:C6nH(10n+2)O(5n+1)
CAS No:9050-36-6
Rice is a staple food for more than half the world's population. The vast majority is grown and consumed in Asia. Rice has been cultivated for more than 10,000 years. Rice comes in thousands of different varieties and is grown on all continents.
Processing into protein powder
After the rice is harvested it is milled into rice flour. After this process, it is mixed with water and the α-amylase enzyme to hydrolyze the rice, then it is filtered, dried and sieved into a fine powder. This rice eggwhite powder is produced only from the endosperm of the rice grain, because therein is the bulk of the protein stored.
In addition to water, protein is a major component of the muscles. After exercise, muscles recover and therefore raw materials are needed, as amino acids (building blocks of protein). This rice eggwhitepowder is packed with amino acids and has a protein content of over 80%.
This rice powder from China can be…"
Unleash the flavor fusion! ELLADIA's balsamic glaze is more than a condiment- it's a culinary symphony. Drizzle, dip, and dazzle your dishes with a burst of rich, tangy goodness. Elevate your taste experience with every drop.
ingredients: white balsamic vinegar(white wine vinegar, concecrated must), pomegranate vinegar, natural pomegranate juice 28%, sugar, modified starch, natural pomegranate flavoring, may contains sulfites
"Processed plant part: Flower
Extracting agent: ethanol & water
Carrier: Maltodextrin/-
Scientific Name: Matricaria recutita
Chamomile is known for its calming properties and is often used to relieve insomnia, stomach ache intestinal complaints and skin irritations.
Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided.
Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified.
We also offer the following products:
Field bean
Field horsetail
African black bean
Alpha lipoic acid
Beta Glucan
ORGANIC Birch leaf
ORGANIC Brazilian almond
ORGANIC Broccoli
ORGANIC Chlorella
ORGANIC Cranberry
ORGANIC Barley grass
ORGANIC Grapefruit
ORGANIC Blueberry
ORGANIC Hedgehog spikenard
Vainillin, vanilya çekirdeğinde doğal olarak oluşan eşsiz ve lezzetli vanilya kokusu ve aromasından sorumlu, oldukça aromatik bir organik kimyasal bileşiktir (vanilin glukozit).
Üç fonksiyonel grupla değiştirilen bir benzen halkasından oluşan organik bir kimyasal bileşiktir: aldehit, hidroksil ve metoksil. Vanilya kokusunun bileşenlerinden biridir. Guaiacol'dan sentetik olarak elde edilen vanilin, kağıt imalatında üretilen sodalı sudan elde edilir. Tadı vanilyayı vanilyadan ayıran en önemli özelliktir. Sentetik vanilya ikamesi, bitkinin doğal meyvesinden daha yoğun bir tada sahiptir. İnce beyaz ila hafif sarı kristaller halindedir.
Black cumin vegetable oil, also known as Nigella sativa oil, is extracted from the seeds of the black cumin plant. This essential oil has been valued for centuries for its medicinal and nutritional properties. It is known for its content of thymoquinone, a bioactive compound with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is believed that black cumin oil can help strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and relieve allergies and respiratory problems. Additionally, it is used in skin and hair care due to its moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.
CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg.
INCI:Nigella sativa seed oil
Shin Ramen Red Super Spicy is twice as spicy as original “Shin Ramen” and has a richer flavor. The flavor and deepness of the ingredients such as original spices and vegetables are in harmony with the exciting spiciness, making it an addictive spicy taste. This product is characterized by smooth noodles made with a special method and a firm taste using a special blend of high-grade noodle flour.
La boite traiteur cristal est utilisée principalement par les traiteurs, restauration rapide de vente à emporter mais aussi les particuliers
La boite avec son couvercle rattaché vous permet de mettre vos salades, paella, couscous ou autres petits plats cuisinés.
La boite permet un transport en toute sécurité grâce à étanchéité parfaite par sa fermeture par jonc,
La boite traiteur ergonomique fraîcheur est appréciée pour ses propriétés qui sont la résistance, la qualité, la sécurité des produits dedans mais aussi son prix très attractif.
Volume:125 ml
Dimension:102 x 85 x 30 (L x l x H en mm)
Wir bieten hochwertige Gläser mit unterschiedlichem Fassungsvermögen zu den besten Preisen auf dem Markt.
- Volle LKW-Mengen
Preis (inklusive Lieferkosten an den Kunden in Polen):
- Dose 720 ml - 0,63 PLN/Stk.
- Bulkware – 2.304 Stück auf einer Palette, 26 Paletten auf dem LKW.
Die Gläser sind mischbar, das komplette Produktangebot erhalten Sie bei uns, fragen Sie einfach nach!
•Unsere Produkte verfügen über entsprechende Qualitätszertifikate, die eine hohe Qualität und Sicherheit garantieren.
•Wir stellen für Ihr Unternehmen eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer aus und sorgen so für volle Transparenz der Transaktion.
Wir laden Sie herzlich zur Zusammenarbeit ein!
minimale Bestellung:26 Paletten
MwSt:Wir stellen für Ihr Unternehmen eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer aus und sorgen so für
Zertifikate:Unsere Produkte verfügen über entsprechende Qualitätszertifikate, die eine hohe Qualität und Sicherh
Croquettes pour chat adulte SUPER PREMIUM au poulet.
Emballage fabriqué à partir de matériaux compostables
Ingrédients d’origine locale
Avec beaucoup de viande fraîche
Riche en OMEGA 3 naturel (algue Veramaris)
Sans céréales
Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - La Figue «Calabacita» est uniquement cultivée dans la région d’Extremadura (Sud-Ouest de l’Espagne). De petite taille et de fine texture, cette variété est reconnue pour sa saveur sucrée et sa couleur qui rappellent avec finesse celles du miel. Elle est commercialisée uniquement sous forme séchée car son enveloppe est tellement fine qu’à l’état frais, elle serait rapidement abîmée lors des manipulations. La Figue «Calabacita» VIJAYA est récoltée au mois d’août et séchée au soleil.
YOOKA Shilajit 120 COMPRIMES naturel ARTISANAL OR pure. 70% ACIDE FULVIQUE, test en laboratoire garantissant +85 minéraux, 12% acide humique, oligo-éléments. Séchage soleil 60j, purifiée 40 fois.
ARTISANAL : Shilajit classé OR authentique: récolté entre 5100m et 5500m (zéro pollution) dans les montagnes de Himalaya au Pakistan. Séchage naturel au soleil (45 à 60 jours en fonction de la météo) pour conserver tous les minéraux (les industriels font un séchage au feu qui élimine la quasi totalité des bienfaits = shilajit moins cher). Purete maximum 40 filtrages avec filtres nano purifie (les industriels font 3 filtrages avec filtre inox= shilajit 1er prix). Analyse sur notre site.
BIENFAITS : Compléments alimentaires 100% végétaliens et à base de plantes. Le shilajit rétablit l'équilibre énergétique et prévient de la fatigue chronique, les douleurs chroniques, les troubles digestifs et... Directement assimilés par le corps, les ingrédients..
Erhältlich in Pulver- & Tablettenform
In BIO- & konventioneller Qualität erhältlich
Verfügbarkeit: Sofort verfügbar
Mindestabnahme: 100 kg
Ohne Zusatzstoffe gepresst und 100 % natürlich
L'avena decorticata biologica è un alimento non molto conosciuto e utilizzato in Italia mentre nei paesi anglosassoni è uno degli ingredienti principali della colazione. L'avena bio decorticata viene venduta in chicchi per preparare gustose ricette vegane o vegetariane. L'avena è spesso utilizzata cruda in fiocchi per rendere più gustose la colazione a base di latte o yogurt invece la varietà in chicchi è ottima per preparare zuppe o minestre. Questo cereale è anche un concentrato di sostanze nutritive utili per il benessere dell'organismo come fibre vitamine del gruppo B e diversi sali minerali (ferro calcio potassio fosforo magnesio rame). L'avena decorticata bio prima di essere cucinata deve essere sciacquata sotto l'acqua corrente per eliminare eventuali impurità e poi bisogna metterla a bagno almeno per 12 ore in seguito può essere bollita o utilizzata come ingrediente per insalate e contorni ma in particolare per preparare biscotti pane torte salate e dolci.
Frei von Latex-Proteinen / latexfrei, puderfrei und unsteril. Die Handschuhe sind hergestellt gemäß GMP und lebensmitteltauglich nach ISO 9001 & ISO 13485.
Fournisseur direct en produits de grandes marques pour la grande distribution Chutyptm vous propose Kinder-Country-47g au meilleur prix du marché. Découvrez l’ensemble de nos réfs sur www.Chutyptm.com ! Achat en gros de Kinder-Country-47g et import PGC.
Notre jus de noni de Tahiti est pur à 100%, il n'est pas obtenu à partir de poudre ou de concentré mais directement du fruit mûr pressé.
Il ne contient ni de conservateur, ni d'acide citrique et ni d'acide asorbique, il est pur à 100 %
Bouteille en verre fumé
Contenance : 1 litre